阿尔维尼亚大学是一个接受教育的好地方. But don't just take our word for it.
- Alvernia 获得了2024年最佳国立大学称号 by U.S. News & 在世界大学排名中上升了21位,进入了前300名. 这标志着阿尔维尼亚大学连续第五年跻身其指定的顶级学院和大学之列. Additionally, for the first time in university history, 阿尔维尼亚大学被公认为社会流动性前100名的大学. Alvernia climbed 55 spots, 社会流动性指标在443个国家中排名第84位, 衡量佩尔助学金获得者毕业率的机构.
- In 2024, Alvernia 获得了全国认可的杰出学院 连续第五年在以下类别:2024-2025, Catholic, Pennsylvania, equity and inclusion, nursing, education, business, military support and career development. The university was also ranked among Money Magazine’s Best Colleges for the second year in a row. Alvernia was among 745 colleges recognized using Money.com's new scoring system, 哪个评估了26个以负担能力为中心的因素, financial aid packages, outcomes for graduates and overall quality.
- 阿尔维尼亚是伯克郡唯一赚钱的机构 the Professional/Doctoral University designation 由于专业研究生课程的数量,卡内基高等教育委员会, graduates, and the university’s commitment to research.
- 帮助成人学习者找到最好的高等教育机会的组织比比皆是, recognized Alvernia as one of the Top 100 Best Online Colleges for Adults in 2023. 该大学还获得了其他三个类别的认可:北部最佳在线大学, Best Online Colleges Pennsylvania, and Best Online Colleges for Military and Veterans.
- 阿尔弗尼亚被公认为伯克郡的首选学院或大学 2023 People’s Choice Who’s Who in Business listing for the third consecutive year. “人民的选择”是一项年度科学调查,向数千名居民询问他们的经历. 这些信息用于确定哪些企业和组织通过提供有价值的服务和展示对质量的承诺,多年来培养了积极的消费者关系.
- Alvernia was awarded the Colleges of Distinction’s Career Development Badge for 2022-23 在学生大学生活的每个阶段提供卓越的支持. Alvernia’s Office of Career Development 为学生提供探索职业领域和开始工作申请所需的支持.